Is Voice Search the Next Big Thing in Digital Marketing?

Talking to oneself is a little strange in today’s society, but speaking to a smart device is very common. For example, we use Google or Siri when we are uncertain about something. What we would have manually typed out has now evolved into a talk with our smartphones.

The first time people encountered Siri was in 2008. After Siri, Microsoft released Cortana and Amazon introduced Alexa, and that was the start of it all. Voice search was initially associated with smartphones, but today we have house assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home. Echo. Today, voice search is accessible on laptops, phones, speakers, and automobiles. However, is voice search the next big thing in digital marketing? And how does this influence the marketing industry?

Voice search has taken over as the primary method of searching in the past few years. This is because many people now find it convenient to speak into their gadgets to obtain information rather than typing search queries into a search engine. Research showed that 65% of people between the ages of 25 and 49 speak and ask questions to their voice-enabled gadgets at least once every day.

The devices’ technology for speech recognition has also advanced greatly in precision and complexity. Although this idea of voice search is not entirely new, it has been in existence for a while.

What does “Voice Search” Mean?

Voice search is a voice recognition tool that enables users to look up keywords by saying them out loud instead of typing them into a search engine. Voice search is becoming more popular due to the availability of smartphones and other portable, web-enabled smart devices.

We’ll soon start having real talks with our smart devices in the same communicative way that we use to search right now.

Usage Statistics of Voice Searches

Mobile phone users use Voice Search a lot more swiftly, i.e., up to three times as often. Presently, more than 31% of smartphone users worldwide use voice search frequently.

The majority of the voice search users are individuals who are under the age of 18, taking up to just over half of Voice Search users.

Rise of Voice Search

It is estimated that around half of all Google searches are voice searches. This search method is becoming more popular partly because voice searches are becoming more accurate; Google has confirmed that its voice searches are 95% precise.

About Voice Search’s User Base

With 150 million units sold worldwide in 2020, smart speaker sales have never been higher. Additionally, voice search on mobile is used by 27% of all internet users worldwide. Both of these indicators are moving upward day by day. By 2020, half of all houses in the country with broadband connections will have a smart speaker in their home.

As a result, most gadgets are now designed with voice search. So which effects will this have on companies and businesses? Now is the moment for companies to enhance their platforms, websites, and user interfaces with the help of digital marketing to keep up with the changing voice search market.

What Impact is Voice Search Making on the World of Digital Marketing?

Voice search is a growing trend which is redefining the SEO approach. People used to utilise 1-3 relevant keywords before the introduction of voice search. Instead of targeted keywords, SEO will now prioritise lengthier keyword queries that cover broad topics.

For instance, what would happen if you Googled “How can I repair my leaking shower?” The top result on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) will show a solution tab. This is the response a Voice search assistant would provide as the first answer if you asked it the same question.

How do You Get Ready for Voice Search’s Rising Popularity?

Don’t panic if everything appears a little confusing. These significant changes won’t all take place at once. Instead, keep concentrating on SEO recommended practices and changing your keywords to sound more interactive and exploratory. To ensure that you are catching the voice search trend and staying up to date with emerging trends, it is essential to be attentive and keep a close watch on it.

Here are some points to keep in mind while getting ready for Voice Search’s rising popularity–

1. Focusing on a Few Search Engines

The industry for search engines is currently dominated by Google. Thus there is little point in optimising your content for a particular search engine. The differences between Google, Yahoo, and other search engines won’t really affect your optimisation efforts, as Google already sets the bar for how search engines should work. Instead, produce top-notch content and then employ carefully thought-out SEO strategies to increase its visibility in both common and voice-enabled searches.

2. Voice Search and User Intent

It is crucial that you consider user intent when creating and voice search-optimising content. Try to anticipate frequently asked questions and then address them; this can be a solid strategy. You still need to make sure that Google’s crawlers can easily interpret your key data, just like they do with written content. Consider typical search terms like your company’s address, shipping information, or product specifications, and then write content that a voice assistant will find and repeat with ease.

3. Use Long-Tail Keywords as Your Priority

Long-tail keywords work just as well in voice search as they do in regular searches. These are search words that are more detailed and generally lengthier than the normal search query. These have the additional benefit of being more in line with how people actually speak, making them more likely to fit a voice search term than a typical short-tail term would.


With the launch of voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant, we have recently witnessed a technological advancement. So, it is easy to say that voice search is indeed the next big thing in digital marketing.

The following are some key points to remember when structuring SEO for voice search:

    • Use communicative and question-based keyword phrases.
    • Create blog content based on commonly asked queries.
    • Make an effort to rank first on the search engine results page.

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